I guess if you know me you will have already looked on this site, and considering I only have 2 people (of which I know) regularly checking my blog it renders this post completely useless……..for that matter…this whole blog……….whats the point?….is anybody reading this?……lets end this now……
(before the office was built. Plank of wood for desk, pen and pad for work)
Wooooo, I know how to bring on the heat. Anyway, Ive been working for Nothing since (almost)the very beginning of its existence. Before the cardboard office, before the mass PR hysteria, before any of us knew all of the goodness that’s been squeezed out of Nothing would actually happen. But, all Bas and Michael’s (the big bosses) hard work has paid off and I feel really humbled to be a part of it (no, they won’t be reading this blog)
(I feel like i’m using to many brackets in this post)
(Im gonna keep this short, but if you do go on the website make sure you find my section to see my cheeky face, a little bit about how working here came to be and a short video put together by myself about my time here at Nothing)
(More soon).
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